Weltleitmesse für Labortechnik, Analytik, Biotechnologie und analytica conference
09.–12. April 2024 | Messe München
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LK LABKOREA, a leader in the laboratory field & trusted partner for lab supplies


Since 2005, LK LABKOREA has led innovation in the distribution of science, research, and experimental equipment in Korea and has always made efforts and developments to help customers focus on their target research more conveniently and efficiently.

01. Domestic Sales

“One-Stop Total Service” is applied to provide easy, fast, and accurate products and services for more than 12,000 imported products. 29 Exclusive distributors and 68 Sub-dealers.

02. E-Commerce

Provides active sales on the internet via the official website to provide an easy purchase for customers.

03. International Sales

Developed, manufactured, and designed by LK LAB KOREA’s general laboratory equipment has been distributed since 2012. Our equipment is attracting worldwide companies and international partners are growing.
