Weltleitmesse für Labortechnik, Analytik, Biotechnologie und analytica conference
09.–12. April 2024 | Messe München
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Microfluidics facilitates particle detection


Jimbio develops a series of cutting-edge products covering the cell counting, viability detection, fluorescent cytometry, particle counting applications. All these products rely on the advanced 10 micron microfluidic chip mass production procedure owned by the company. So far, two product lines has entered the research labs, pharmacy industries and hospitals.

They can detect as tiny as 0.5 micron particles, which is applied in many bacterial concentration on site applications, combine both counter and sub 5 micron high quality image detection on a microfluidic chip promising the cell count and viability results more informative and accurate. Jimbio is designated to be the leading role in microfluidic cell biology field.
